Risk warning: Trading is associated with risk. Your capital is at risk. Our collection does not have any direct cooperation with brokers.
If you are new to trading, then you will lose money. If you are looking to make simple money in this field, please leave this website, leave now and become a professional investment and money manager. However, if you do it for the love of the markets and the love of the challenge of learning to master them, and you want to approach it in a commercial way with an appreciation for risk management, then welcome. We hope our websites and videos can help you on your journey. Of course, our way of trading is not necessarily suitable for you. None of our content should be considered advice. If you want to try any of the concepts we talk about, test in a simulation environment first and don't risk any money in a live trading environment until success is proven. If you have any questions about this, please contact us via the contact page.
Disclaimer: trading in financial markets, especially forex, which has trading leverage
It has a very high risk and there is a possibility of losing the entire capital.
Our collection does not include any commercial offer and is only for study purposes
It has research. This website does not accept any responsibility for possible losses of people.